Monday 18 March 2013


Three new scenes to add to novel. One to go. Must rewrite current one. Too sugary for words. Yuk.
Meanwhile reminding myself of WW2, Victorians, Romans and Egyptians. School gigs this week. Couple next week to be confirmed through Waterstones. The machinery of publicising Anthem grinds on. Just another cog in the wheel. But there is a wheel. So no complaints. And who needs sleep? Seriously over rated in my estimation. ZZzzzzzz

Monday 11 March 2013

The luxury of reading doesn't come often enough.

Such a lush weekend. Just read. And read. And read. Somebody else's book, not mine. Such a release and a relief. Eva Ibbotson is fab. Period. Waiting to hear about (my) book number two, first draft wnet off to Bloomsbury last week, which is why I've had the luxury of reading someone else's, time to breathe. Need to fit in a short story for WW sometime soon though. They've been good to me and continue being good. A few 'book' gigs to keep me in the driving seat, local schools, colleges and Waterstones. Wouldn't mind a couple of independent books stores inviting me in. And I have a book shop to open, official guest and all. Time, date to be confirmed, but what a nice thing to be asked to do!  Mustn't forget the lippy.